Have you ever felt that your weight increased even though you did not eat more than usual? Or, have you ever wondered because suddenly weight gain? Perhaps you would think that the cause of your weight continues to increase is due to food intake. As a result, to lose weight, you will reduce your food intake. In fact, the cause of weight rise not only because of food intake alone but also can be caused by your lifestyle. Aside from that, you may also need a great diet supplement to help you lose your weight, especially the one which is safe like the zotrim side effects.
The cause of unexpected weight gain
Here are some of the unique causes of weight gain you need to know:
1. Too much food variation
Without you know, when you have a lot of variety of food, you will tend to eat more than what should be. You may have many variations of food, just that, you need to pay attention to the intake of nutrients contained in it. Expand foods that are low in calories and rich in nutrients, such as fruits, nuts, vegetables, soup broth, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
2. Depression
A new study at the University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) confirms that there is a link between depression and obesity, which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
According to Psychology Today, women are more prone to depression than men. And usually, women who experience depression will tend to increase intake of eating and sleeping continuously. So, no wonder if it will impact on increasing weight.
3. Addicted gadgets
Using a gadget before bedtime can not only affect your sleep quality. A study by Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health found that teens who use smartphones or computers for hours tend to be more at risk for obesity. This happens because adolescents who are “addicted” smartphones or gadgets will usually tend to drink sweet drinks and lack of physical activity. As a result, these adolescents will have 43 times greater risk for obesity than those who do not.
4. Eating while doing other activities
Multitasking like eating while watching television or while working in front of the computer turned out to increase your weight. Without you know, when you eat while doing other activities, your eating activities become distracted and you will likely not be able to control your food intake.
When you are not aware of what goes into your mouth, you can not process the information. The information will not be stored in your brain memory. As a result, without memory after eating, you are more likely to eat faster than you should have.
Therefore, avoid eating while doing other activities. When you enjoy what you eat, you will feel full faster so you can control the intake of food on your body.