When it comes to household essentials, plumbing is a world that often remains shrouded in mystery. Yet, for cities like Vancouver, where both heritage homes and modern apartments coexist, understanding this realm is crucial. As we delve into the nuances of plumbing in Vancouver, let’s demystify some of the most intriguing facts about toilets, faucets, and the intricate world of plumbing.

1. Plumbing’s Ancient Affair:
Plumbing isn’t a modern marvel! Ancient civilizations, from the Indus Valley to Rome, had elaborate drainage and sewage systems. Those historic aqueducts were the precursors to the modern plumbing systems we see in Vancouver and beyond.

2. The Toilet’s Royal Roots:
Ever wonder why a toilet is sometimes called “the john”? It’s named after Sir John Harington, who in the late 16th century, devised a prototype of the flush toilet for Queen Elizabeth I.

3. Faucet Flow Facts:
A dripping faucet might seem inconsequential, but it can waste over 3,000 gallons of water a year! That’s equivalent to multiple swimming pools or countless showers.

4. Mighty Metals:
While various materials have been used for pipes over the years, copper stands out for its durability and resistance to corrosion. It’s no wonder that many homes, especially in areas like Vancouver with its moist climate, prefer copper plumbing.

5. The S-Trap Saga:
Ever noticed the U or S-shaped pipe beneath your sink? It’s designed to trap a bit of water, acting as a barrier to prevent sewer gases from wafting back into your home. Clever, right?

6. Flushing Finesse:
Modern toilets use significantly less water than their older counterparts. While toilets from the 1980s used up to 7 gallons per flush, contemporary models are designed to do the job with just 1.6 gallons or even less!

7. The Hot & Cold Conundrum:
Ever wondered why hot and cold faucets are distinct? Originally, the hot water supply could be contaminated due to water heaters. To avoid mixing potentially unsafe hot water with the cold, separate faucets were designed.