If you have parents who have difficulty in fulfilling their mobility such as going up and down stairs, then it’s time for you to use the stairlift. The cost of installing and using a satire is not easy, that’s why you have to choose Stairlift Rental to rent a stairlift so you don’t have to spend too much. however, make sure you rent a stairlift in the right place.
Parents who use the stairlift will feel greatly helped by the tool because they can climb and descend the stairs easily and without fear of falling. However, in choosing and using it, there are several things that you must know first.
1. Electricity needed
It turns out that the stairlift uses electricity which is far more economical about 4x fold than lift residential.
As an illustration, if the elevator generally consumes up to 1200 watts of power, the stairlift is only 300 watts. With these savings, the use of stairlift is far more efficient than using an elevator.
Do you think you will install an elevator or stairlift?
2. Installation
In short, the installation of an elevator looks easy and practical, but if explored deeper, do you know that there are many components that need to be overhauled or even the construction of your house?
Yes, because basically, this elevator will be more appropriate if you are just going to build a building, while the stair lift is more practical and effective if your house is already built. The installation on the stairlift is quite practical because it only does the installation of the rail so that the construction of the building does not need to be changed.
Of course, this makes you more sure to choose to install the elevator or stairlift later.
3. Costs to be incurred
Usually, the price of the stairlift depends also on how long the rail is used, then how many turns the shape of the stairs in your house, and finishing on the top/bottom landing on your stairs, are there additional railings or turns that are optional.