There are two different kinds of metal roofing systems: screw-down panel and standing seam. A standing seam metal roof is the greatest option for residential buildings, although both types of metal roof systems have their place in the roofing industry. A standing seam metal roof is the greatest option for residential roofing because it can readily expand and contract, but it also has other advantages over a screw-down metal roof. Action Roofing as a repairing metal roofs agency will outline the benefits of a standing seam metal roof over a screw-down roof.
Standing seam metal roof panels’ painted surface
The metal panels of a standing seam metal roof have a painted coating called Kynar 500. To ensure that your metal panels last the desired amount of time for a metal roof, they are shielded from damage by a painted coating.
Standing seam metal roof maintenance is minimal
To keep it functioning properly for the duration of its existence, every roof needs maintenance. The kind of roofing material you select will, however, affect how much upkeep is required for your roof. Standing seam metal roofing has the major benefit of requiring less maintenance than other roof systems. After installation, maintenance is actually not necessary, with the exception of the penetrations caused by vent pipes, gas lines, etc.
The standing seam metal roof’s life expectancy
Standing seam metal roofing is significantly more durable and long-lasting than most other roof types. A 30-year paint guarantee is provided with your new standing seam metal roof for the metal panels’ painted Kynar 500 surface. Your standing seam metal roof should last for 30 years if it is put correctly, and you should be able to get through the paint warranty. However, the painted finish won’t go away after 30 years merely because the paint’s warranty has expired.