Dehydration is a condition when the body loses more fluid than it gets so that the balance of sugar and salt becomes disrupted, as a result, the body cannot function normally. The healthy water content in the human body is more than 60% of total body weight. The ideal water content in the body functions to help the digestive system work, removing impurities and poisons from the body, as lubricants and pads for joints, moisturizing tissues in the ears, throat, and also the nose, and as a nutrient transportation medium for cells. body cells and keep skin healthy. You can overcome this problem by visiting the Best Urgent Care in Macomb MI.
Dehydration is sometimes considered a problem of body conditions that do not need to be taken seriously, and most children and adolescents consider it normal thirst. However, if the initial symptoms of dehydration are not handled properly, it can interfere with bodily functions. Some of the early signs of symptoms of dehydration are:
Feeling thirsty and dizzy.
Dry mouth and skin.
Rarely urinate.
Urine is darker and smells stronger.
If dehydration occurs in infants, the initial symptoms that can be considered are the baby’s crown will be concave, do not shed tears when crying, diapers remain dry after several hours, less active, fussy, and easily drowsy.
One condition that is at risk for dehydration is diarrhea, especially if this occurs in infants and children. Dehydration can also be associated with weather, physical activity or exercise, and diet. In addition to diarrhea, dehydration is also at risk of appearing in conditions of vomiting, and excessive sweating, for example during a fever or exercising during hot weather. If you feel dehydrated, drink plenty of fluids. You can drink water or diluted fruit juice. But if you are dehydrated because of diarrhea, fruit juice and milk should be avoided. Try to avoid drinks that contain caffeine and soft drinks. If untreated, dehydration can cause seizures, brain damage, and even death.
The first two signs of dehydration are thirst and dark yellow urine. This is the body’s way of trying to increase fluids in the body and reduce fluid discharge. Depending on how much your body loses fluid, dehydration is divided into two levels, namely mild, moderate and severe.